Facade/entrance in Lincoln Park Motel

Lincoln Park Motel


ようこそ、Lincoln Park Motelへ!ここは、晴れたロサンゼルスにひっそりと佇む居心地の良い避難所です。賑やかな市中心部からわずか4.4キロメートルの場所に位置するこの魅力的な3つ星のリトリートは、予算を気にせずエンジェルの街を探索するための理想的な拠点です。価格はわずか$97から始まり、手頃な価格で快適さと便利さを見つけることができます。

リラクゼーションと楽しさが交わる世界に足を踏み入れてください!Lincoln Park Motelでは、冒険の一日を終えた後にリラックスするのに最適なホットタブを含む素晴らしいアメニティの数々を提供しています。無料駐車場、無料WiFi、そして夜遅くのスナック欲を満たすためのルームサービスの便利さをお楽しみください。また、防音の部屋でエアコンと無料のトイレタリーを完備し、プライベートエントランスからの素晴らしい景色を眺めながらくつろぐこともできます。

425件のレビューが、私たちのフレンドリーなスタッフと快適な宿泊施設を称賛しています。ゲストは常に滞在に満足しています。ビジネスでもレジャーでも、24時間対応のフロントデスクがあなたのニーズに応え、ストレスのない大都市の休暇を実現します。さあ、Lincoln Park Motelにお越しください。カリフォルニアの太陽とLAの中心があなたを待っています!

Bed in Lincoln Park Motel
Bedroom, Bed in Lincoln Park Motel


Honeymoon Suite in Lincoln Park Motel


1 キングサイズベッド


300 平方フィート






Room with Queen Bed  in Lincoln Park Motel


1 クイーンサイズベッド


170 平方フィート






Family Room with Private Bathroom in Lincoln Park Motel


1 ダブルベッド

2 クイーンサイズベッド


400 平方フィート

ファミリー, 専用バスルーム






Lincoln Park Motelでは、すべての冒険は素晴らしい体験から始まると信じています!日差しを浴びた後の心地よい気分を楽しんでいる間に、私たちのホットタブでひと泳ぎしてみませんか?日が沈むと、1日の探検の物語を共有しながら、心地よい温かい水に浸るのは最高のひとときです。しかし、バスタブでリラックスするのがあなたのスタイルでない場合でも、心配はいりません!地元の魅力的なアトラクションにアクセスできるので、LAのライフスタイルを満喫できます。公共交通機関に乗るか、自転車をレンタルして、トレンディなショップや魅力的なレストラン、アイコニックな観光名所を発見しましょう—すべてあなたの快適な拠点から簡単にアクセスできます。

リチャージする時間が来たら、さまざまなタイプの客室が揃っているので、誰もが自分にぴったりの隠れ家を見つけることができます。お一人様での旅行でも、家族全員を連れての旅行でも、あなたの快適さが私たちの最優先事項です。グループ用のスペースが必要ですか?私たちの広々としたバンガローは最大9人の大人を収容でき、家族の集まりや友人との旅行に最適です!カップルでの旅行の場合、ハネムーンスイートはロマンチックな逃避行を提供し、忘れられない思い出を作ることを招待します。そして心配はいりません—Lincoln Park Motelのすべての部屋は禁煙で、心からリラックスできる新鮮で清潔な環境を提供します。

Property building in Lincoln Park Motel
Facade/entrance in Lincoln Park Motel


穏やかな夜の休息の後は、忙しいLAの日々に備えてエネルギーを補充しましょう!ルームサービスのオプションを楽しんで、ゆっくりと朝食を味わいたい怠惰な朝に最適です。さらに、モーテル内には、騒音を遮る防音室や、次の旅行やSNSに投稿する瞬間を計画するための無料WiFiなど、便利な工夫が施されています!Lincoln Park Motelではすべての詳細が考慮されているので、ロサンゼルスが提供するすべてを楽しむことができ、毎日が旅行の物語の新しいエキサイティングな章となるでしょう!

Bedroom in Lincoln Park Motel
Decorative detail, Bed in Lincoln Park Motel










Bathroom in Lincoln Park Motel
Bathroom in Lincoln Park Motel
Bed in Lincoln Park Motel
I’ve read reviews and was a little bit concerned. But after staying at this place I can tell that it was worth it, the rooms were clean, we had new towels everyday. Beds were good, parking at the property, fridge in the room and working AC. It wasn’t luxury but for a short stay perfect. Area was okay too. We felt safe and had no problems. If I ever go back to LA then definitely will stay at this motel. I would recommend location if you have a car with you, there is no public transportation (convenient one at least).


The room was very clean, the housekeeping lady was very nice and she did a great job. We got the family room and it was spacious. Loved that! The front desk people were really nice. One of the workers moved his car so that we could park ours. When we arrived the room wasn't ready and the front desk girl was really nice and called housekeeping for them to clean our room next and ASAP. The shower had amazing water pressure!


Everything went well! Thank you very much! My entire experience with Lincoln Park Motel was amazing! This experience was 10/10, A+, 100%! Everyone was incredible and I am so happy I chose Lincoln Park Motel! I would stay there again. Thank you very much for everything! The room was clean and awesome. There was parking too! I'm so glad about everything.


We felt quite safe in this area and in the Motel. In the neighborhood you can find a 7-Eleven, Taco street food and the beautiful Lincoln park. If you don't have a car, line 78 will be your best friend(stop is only a 5 min walk away). The area is very Hispanic. You'll have a fridge in your room. The room lady was very friendly. All in all we were satisfied.


The staff were extremely friendly and helpful, especially as this was my 1st time in LA and didn't really know where I was!! I learnt the history of the area from way back in the 1930's. The Motel is situated in an area of beautiful parks and housing and has a local shop, a Mexican street café where you can sit down or take away, the food is great 👍 👌.


I’ve read reviews and was a little bit concerned. But after staying at this place I can tell that it was worth it, the rooms were clean, we had new towels everyday. Beds were good, parking at the property, fridge in the room and working AC. It wasn’t luxury but for a short stay perfect. Area was okay too. We felt safe and had no problems. If I ever go back to LA then definitely will stay at this motel. I would recommend location if you have a car with you, there is no public transportation (convenient one at least).


The room was very clean, the housekeeping lady was very nice and she did a great job. We got the family room and it was spacious. Loved that! The front desk people were really nice. One of the workers moved his car so that we could park ours. When we arrived the room wasn't ready and the front desk girl was really nice and called housekeeping for them to clean our room next and ASAP. The shower had amazing water pressure!


Everything went well! Thank you very much! My entire experience with Lincoln Park Motel was amazing! This experience was 10/10, A+, 100%! Everyone was incredible and I am so happy I chose Lincoln Park Motel! I would stay there again. Thank you very much for everything! The room was clean and awesome. There was parking too! I'm so glad about everything.


We felt quite safe in this area and in the Motel. In the neighborhood you can find a 7-Eleven, Taco street food and the beautiful Lincoln park. If you don't have a car, line 78 will be your best friend(stop is only a 5 min walk away). The area is very Hispanic. You'll have a fridge in your room. The room lady was very friendly. All in all we were satisfied.


The staff were extremely friendly and helpful, especially as this was my 1st time in LA and didn't really know where I was!! I learnt the history of the area from way back in the 1930's. The Motel is situated in an area of beautiful parks and housing and has a local shop, a Mexican street café where you can sit down or take away, the food is great 👍 👌.


I’ve read reviews and was a little bit concerned. But after staying at this place I can tell that it was worth it, the rooms were clean, we had new towels everyday. Beds were good, parking at the property, fridge in the room and working AC. It wasn’t luxury but for a short stay perfect. Area was okay too. We felt safe and had no problems. If I ever go back to LA then definitely will stay at this motel. I would recommend location if you have a car with you, there is no public transportation (convenient one at least).


The room was very clean, the housekeeping lady was very nice and she did a great job. We got the family room and it was spacious. Loved that! The front desk people were really nice. One of the workers moved his car so that we could park ours. When we arrived the room wasn't ready and the front desk girl was really nice and called housekeeping for them to clean our room next and ASAP. The shower had amazing water pressure!


Everything went well! Thank you very much! My entire experience with Lincoln Park Motel was amazing! This experience was 10/10, A+, 100%! Everyone was incredible and I am so happy I chose Lincoln Park Motel! I would stay there again. Thank you very much for everything! The room was clean and awesome. There was parking too! I'm so glad about everything.


We felt quite safe in this area and in the Motel. In the neighborhood you can find a 7-Eleven, Taco street food and the beautiful Lincoln park. If you don't have a car, line 78 will be your best friend(stop is only a 5 min walk away). The area is very Hispanic. You'll have a fridge in your room. The room lady was very friendly. All in all we were satisfied.


The staff were extremely friendly and helpful, especially as this was my 1st time in LA and didn't really know where I was!! I learnt the history of the area from way back in the 1930's. The Motel is situated in an area of beautiful parks and housing and has a local shop, a Mexican street café where you can sit down or take away, the food is great 👍 👌.



2101 Parkside Avenue, Los Angeles, 90031, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ

Lincoln Park Motel